Pedestrian Safety

The primary focus is to raise the awareness of pedestrian safety issues and to reduce the number of pedestrian and motorist crashes. By working together to change motorist and pedestrian behavior, we can reduce pedestrian injuries and death from crashes. DOWNLOAD WHAT YOU NEED: Look for Me (English :30) Look for Me (Spanish :30) Statewide […]

Underage Drinking

New Mexico currently ranks first in the nation for children who consume their first alcoholic drink prior to the age of 13. The negative effects of underage alcohol consumption can last for years. In fact, alcohol can actually create permanent damage. The dangers of alcohol consumption and the importance of individuality must be taught at […]

Motorcycle Safety

Motorcycle crashes involving another motor vehicle continue to account for nearly half of all motorcyclist fatalities in the United States. Motorcyclists are inherently at more risk than motor vehicles because they lack many of the same safety features of automobiles. From a statistical perspective, motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die in a crash […]

Distracted Driving

Multitasking is a myth. Human brains do not perform two tasks at the same time. Instead, the brain handles tasks sequentially, switching between one task and another. Brains can juggle tasks very rapidly, which leads us to erroneously believe we are doing two tasks at the same time. In reality, the brain is switching attention […]