FREE Member Training Opportunities

Level Up Your Sellers in 2024
Onboard Opportunity begins March 18!

Exciting news awaits! We have invested in the P1 Plus seller training program presented by P1 Learning. This is your golden opportunity to enroll your new sellers, those with less than 2 years of experience, and empower them to embrace their role.

Immerse your team in top-notch courses designed to revolutionize their approach:

  • Goal Management: Uncover the secrets to mastering commission-based income. We demystify the steps your sellers need to not only meet but surpass their income goals within the ļ¬rst year!
  • Time Management: Arm your Account Executives with the indispensable tools to conquer their daily challenges. From reaching out to new prospects to managing active accounts and follow-ups, our program ensures they meet and exceed all goals eļ¬€ortlessly.

The journey begins with classes kicking oļ¬€ on Monday, March 18th. And as a valued member of the HAB, you have an exclusive opportunity to elevate your teamā€™s success. Enroll Your Seller Now!

Essential Tactics for Your Local Dealersā€™ Marketing Strategies!


Discover updated information and new strategies that will help you to capture more than your fair share from your local auto dealers! Johnā€™s extensive experience in helping broadcasters understand and gain respect from dealers in their market will provide you with valuable insight into why dealers do what they do and what they absolutely need in a trusted marketing partner.

Donā€™t miss out on this exciting opportunity to revolutionize your approach to working with local dealers. This session will be informative, engaging, and filled with lots of practical tips that you can immediately implement in your local sales strategy.

Be sure to register and mark your calendar! We look forward to seeing you there!

LBS Auto Expert, John Tkac, is a renowned auto authority and will equip you with the tools you need to engage in high-level conversations with your dealers. These conversations translate into increased revenue for you. John brings a wealth of experience to the table, having managed one of the largest car dealer operations in America. He is a trusted consultant and advisor to LOCAL auto dealers, which keeps him up-to-date on the industry and makes him the perfect guide for your journey to success!