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Virtual Job Fair Dates

Monday - Friday

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  • Aug. 25th – 29th
  • Nov. 17th – 21th
“Not everyone outside the broadcast industry may know Bill Anderson by name, but his work likely touched their lives by enriching the information they had access to, creating job opportunities, and his relentless efforts to improve the possibilities for children in poverty through KRQE Cares.”
Monica Armenta Director of NMBA
Monica Armenta
NMBA Executive Director

Bill Anderson Tribute
Oct. 7, 2024

On Monday, October 7, at 1:00 PM, New Mexico radio stations are invited to participate in a statewide simulcast to honor Bill. The song that will be played is “New Mexico By Choice,” a heartfelt pieces Bill Anderson commissioned as a love letter to the people of New Mexico.

Our community members are still reeling from the sudden death of KRQE Vice President and General Manager Bill Anderson on August 23, 2024. Bill passed away due to complications from his cancer diagnosis, leaving a significant void in both metro and non-metro New Mexico broadcast communities. He was a legendary figure in the broadcasting industry, deeply respected and loved in many communities where he used his platform to promote goodwill and create opportunities for all.

Everyone is invited to Pay Tribute to Legendary New Mexico Broadcaster Statewide Radio Simulcast to Honor Bill Anderson on Monday. The following stations have committed to participating in the simulcasting his song at 1:00 PM on Oct. 7, 2024.

State Basketball Tournament Registration

Ten X Minute Trainer

2025 Live Stream Events Calendar

About Us

Serving New Mexico Radio & Television
stations for over 50 years

With more than 90% of all New Mexico stations within our membership, we work to advocate on behalf of broadcasters at the state and federal levels, and to provide a variety of training and compliance resources.

Our services are targeted to different areas of station operations, including sales, engineering, human resources and news.

What We Offer


We provide training across those station operations through webinars, convention and regional workshops. Building a strong foundation of education and trust makes for powerful broadcasters in your communities.


The FCC continues to review its compliance regulations in this new digital era of broadcasting. We keep our members on top of changes and important deadlines.

Broadcast Careers

The NMBA Job Bank and the CareerPage are your first source for jobs in broadcasting because these jobs are posted by the source – broadcasters from across the country. This comprehensive listing of open positions provides you with a wide range of career opportunities. 

Awards & Recognitions

A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.

As Featured In

This is a space to showcase any publications your business has been featured in


New Mexico Health Care Authority Recognizes NMBA PEP Partnership
Modern Child Support Family campaign recognized with NCSEA 2024 program awareness award 

SANTA FE – The New Mexico Child Support program has been honored with the National Child Support Engagement Association (NCSEA) 2024 Program Awareness Award for its Modern Child Support Family campaign.

This award recognizes outstanding efforts in media relations and public outreach to promote the services run by the Child Support Services Division (CSSD). 

“Modernizing and improving our child support program to prioritize New Mexico’s children has been our focus over the last five years,” said Kyra Ochoa, Health Care Authority Deputy Secretary. “We are honored that NCSEA recognized our work, and we hope more families who need these important services are reaching out to the Child Support Services Division.” 

The Modern Child Support Family campaign started in August 2021 with public service announcements on TV and radio in English, Spanish, and Diné.

Each campaign highlighted how the modern child support program can help with establishing parentage, setting and changing support orders, and finding jobs. The third campaign featured a testimonial from a parent who shared how the program helped her support her child and be the best parent she could be. The most recent campaign ads can be found on the HCA website in English, Spanish, and Diné. 

“We can tell people how great the child support program is but hearing it from someone who has used our services is more powerful,” said Betina Gonzales McCracken, Child Support Director. “We hope her story connects with parents or guardians who need help with child support.”

The ads aired through the New Mexico Broadcasters Association (NMBA) Public Education Program and have played on New Mexico TV and radio stations more than 65,000 times over the past three years. 

“We are very thankful to the NMBA and New Mexico’s TV and radio stations for their help in this community outreach effort,” added McCracken.

Visit the YES.NM.GOV

site for the easiest and fastest way to apply for child support services. Additionally, you can request an application by calling the HCA consolidated customer service center at 1-800-283-4465
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.  

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